Choosing to Remember

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cropped-inside-outside-010.jpgTomorrow, we are going to get the tree. We are going to do what we have done for years as a family, walk all over the tree farm and spy out the perfect one. We may fuss a little and bicker a while before my husband will put the ax to the trunk and drag it home, where we eventually catapult it in the prepared corner of the living room.
Every year, I get out that box, the one with all the special ornaments from Christmases past. Every year, I struggle.

I struggle to sort through the onslaught of memories that suddenly, without warning flood my mind. Christmas memories from when I was a child mingle with last year’s. But it’s not just my memories, it’s my kids’ memories, adopted and biological. My husband has memories as well. So many pasts and so many different emotions, all suddenly pour into the living room and try to find a place on that tree, which often seems too small to hold it all.

This year I am convicted about the choice of my memories. I have been thinking much about how I choose what I remember and how that choice reflects my ability to forget, forgive, and to love instead. I don’t want to be ignorant about pains and hurts, but I do have a choice to let some things go and make room for good and helpful memories to be made for years to come.

“God, help me to wade through this season’s memories.
Help me to know that in remembering the right things,
I show forgiveness and ultimately Your love.
Help me to be a tool in the memory making process for others.
Help me to remind them that this season is all about Your love and forgiveness,
and in that point them to Your Son Jesus Christ.
Thank You, LORD, for remembering Your people,
and making a way for us to come to You!”

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Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8

12 responses to “Choosing to Remember”

  1. Sheryl Avatar

    Beautifully written . . I never thought about it quite this way, but I think that you are right. The older we get, the more we need to choose memories.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, Sheryl, for commenting. I think choosing memories is tightly related to the forgiving process. I just look at God and what He chooses to remember and the things He forgets, namely my sin. Who am I to continue to remember how others have offended me, when my Father has forgiven me of so much? Not an easy task, but with God’s help I think it’s possible! LOVE your blog!!!


  2. patrickhawthorne01 Avatar

    “… I do have a choice to let some things go and make room for good and helpful memories to be made for years to come.” You are so right.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thanks for reading, Patrick 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours!


  3. Jael Aster Avatar

    This is very nice, Heidi. However, I don’t see memories as a “choice”–otherwise, no one would choose to have “bad” memories. They come, and I have some amount of choice in how I respond to and deal with them–but even that is limited to how much healing has occurred.

    Glad you’re getting the tree up and decorated–I’ll bet the kids really enjoy that! God bless you all.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      You are so right, dear sister. Thank you for your grace-filled comment. I ALWAYS love to read what you have to say!!! Sending Christmas hugs your way!


  4. Kristi Ann Avatar

    Amen!! Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ is the REASON for the SEASON!!

    PRAISE Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ Today and Everyday, HE LOVES you all Forevermore!!

    Merry CHRISTmas to all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus-Yeshua!!

    Love Always and Shalom Everyone,



    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, Kristi, for coming over and reading! Be blessed this Christmas as you share Yeshua, our Hope and Peace!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. JD Blom Avatar
    JD Blom

    Very good reminder to be mindful of the memories we linger on. The holidays seem to be full of memories both good and not-so-good. Thanks for the reminder!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Blessings to you and your family, JD, as you remember the most important things this Christmas 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. blmaluso Avatar

    We decorated the Christmas Tree last night while watching “Charlie Brown Christmas” and then listened to Christmas music. My spirit was filled to capacity. Each ornament holds a memory, and dates all the way back to our childhoods up till now. I was just sharing with my husband that I should take a picture and tell the story of each one so our family will know the memories after we are gone:-)

    As the years go by, by the power of the Holy Spirit has filtered out the really bad and painful memories…not erasing, but softening them.

    May God continue to bless you and your family. Have a blessed and merry Christmas:-)


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, dear blogging friend, for that sweet picture. Be blessed as you continue to make memories and sort through the ones you have, always with Christ’s love in mind.


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