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What happened? When did I grow old?
My back it aches, my feet are cold
My money, hard-earned, I must say
Becomes my doctor’s monthly pay
Don’t get me started on the news
Or that I need new winter shoes
My coffee’s cold, my dog it sheds
Awake all night I’m in my bed
I saw on Facebook Susie flew
With her new hubs to Tutoloo
Good for them. It must be nice
To get away from snow and ice.
I tire so of those who whine
Who cry to me while they are fine
Complaining, on and on they go
They make Humdudgeons, they should know!

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. 😉

14 responses to “Humdudgeon”

  1. Nancy Ruegg Avatar

    A delightful reminder, Heidi, to be watchful. Complaints can so easily play in our minds or slip from our lips. I want to be a Philippians 4:8 kind of person!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      It’s bad when I catch myself complaining about complainers 😂 My recent prayer has been that the meditation of my heart would be pleasing to the Lord.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. davidsdailydose Avatar

    I know the feeling, Heidi. This week, especially, as I caught COVID for the second time. 5 days off work, but I’m thankful I didn’t have worse symptoms. Of course, I thought about your husband’s battle with the virus. ðŸĶ  Most of us, I mean people like me, could stand to be more grateful.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, David for your kind words. You have been such an encouragement to Scott and me (and thanks for remembering Scott’s COVID ordeal). We are so grateful that Jesus turns with us as at every corner of this life and never leaves us. You play such an important part in reminding those around you that He is always there! Yes on the “be more grateful” thing. I started my grateful journey by promising the Lord to stop complaining for one week, I mean, day. Keep going, and handing out those daily doses, Brother.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Terri Bartz Avatar
    Terri Bartz

    I could hear your voice as I was reading this! A good reminder for me too! The verse that you shared was our theme verse for kids club at Terrace Shores when we first started over 20 years ago. Where has the time gone?!?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Oh my goodness, Terri… How can that be?? 20 years ago??? Well, I just looked in the mirror and I guess you are right ðŸĪŠ


  4. awomanaftergodsownheart170052837 Avatar

    Look out side, go outside, its the warmest day we have had in a long time! Enjoy the sunshine 🙂 I love you Heidi ðŸĨ°

    * I should also take my own advice but….😁😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      What a day indeed, Wendy. There are so many reasons to be to grateful for, right!?! I Love you, sweet friend! You are such an encouragement to so many.


  5. Linda Lee @LadyQuixote Avatar

    Oh yes, this one really resonates with me! I recently wrote a poem titled The Old Woman in the Mirror. It’s about how different everything is, now that I am 70. Seventy — YiKeS!! My poem ends with my determination to focus on all the goodness and love I have in my life, thanks to our gracious Heavenly Father. I haven’t posted the poem on my blog yet. Maybe later today? But first, I have to get ready for another medical appointment… 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Sweet Linda, I hope you DO post that poem soon. You have such a wonderful gift of writing and so many things to say. Please keep going and sharing what the Lord puts on your heart. He is worth it all. Sending hugs your way. (I pray your appointment went well) âĪïļ

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Linda Lee @LadyQuixote Avatar

        Heidi, what you said here is like healing balm for my soul. Thank you so much for your great kindness. Thanks to your encouragement, I have posted my poem on my blog.


        1. Heidi Viars Avatar

          I just read your poem. What a gift those words were to me this morning! Please keep writing and sharing, Linda Lee.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Fran Rogers Avatar
    Fran Rogers

    Thank you, Heidi, for reminding me of where our Father found me and brought me to Himself as a new creation, calling me out of darkness into Him marvelous light to praise, Him, pray, and proclaim HIs Word. Love and blessings, Fran

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Yes, Fran, let’s keep proclaiming Him and His Word. He is worthy. “Light and momentary affliction come to mind”. Keep writing and reminding us all, friend!

      Liked by 1 person

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