Thankful for 24-Hour News Cycle

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My oldest son is a producer of a morning show for a news station a few hours away from here. I am thinking a lot about him these days. I know that he has to sort and prioritize through a barrage of news every night, cutting them into bitesize tidbits, so that we can easily digest them for breakfast. Many news don’t make it as far as the TV-screen or the phone app. There is not enough time in the world to cover it all. A few times, when I shared my concerns about what I’d seen on the news, he has said, “And that’s just the news you see, mom!”

This afternoon, an onslaught of news hit all within a few hours.

“Mom, I am sick. Can you pick me up?”
“Mom, school is cancelled for Monday,”
“Mom, college classes have been cancelled for next week.”
“Mom, school is out for all of next week.”
“Mom, I am coming home tomorrow. I will be home until April.”
“Honey, all the kids will be home for the next three weeks. Oh, and there is no toilet paper!”

A twenty-four-hour news cycle doesn’t sound that bad to me. At least it gives moms time to adjust and a break from the breaking news.

11 responses to “Thankful for 24-Hour News Cycle”

  1. in Avatar

    yes, for reals!

    there was an article about if we were addicted to reading the numbers of cases


    but I’m relieved we still have electricity and the internet, yup

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Amen, Sister!!!


  2. Nancy Ruegg Avatar

    A few generations ago catalogs were kept in the outhouse for toilet paper! Do you have any of those lying about the house?! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Guess what … the panic has settled down and the store has tp again. Now we can relax and enjoy everyone at home 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nancy Ruegg Avatar

        Hurray! That IS good news!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. acquelinewhyte51 Avatar


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      He is indeed! 🙂 Thanks for reading


  4. Kathie at HisGlory SM Avatar

    With everything happening so quickly I keep thinking of Snow Days–when everything stops and people are forced to stay home. Having grown up in Southern CA the concept was rather jarring to us initially but we have come to embrace the positive aspects of having to slow down–reading, working puzzles, starting a special prayer journal that emphasizes thanksgiving to God, praying for our nations leaders, those caring for the sick, giving thanks for the amazing gift of each new day as we determine to look for the good in all the craziness . . .❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      I scratched many things off the calendar for the coming weeks and am a exited about the possibilities … It reminds me of our homeschooling days. I think I am heading to the store for a few new games … there seems to be plenty of those left on the shelf 🙂 Sending (non-touchy cyber) hugs your way, sweet friend.


  5. awomanaftergodsownheart170052837 Avatar

    If you turn the news off you dont know whats going on…lol jk 🤭
    #i love homeschooling!👏👏👏
    #extra time with your kids💜💙💜💙
    Praying for you my Friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Yes, He is 🤗… thank you for reading, dear Friend!


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