The When-Thens

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Beware of the When-Thens. I tell you they are dangerous. As a matter of fact, I have been invaded by them and am only slowly recovering. They are the tiniest creatures, lurking about to discourage their unaware hosts. Like a virus on a cruise ship, they are bent on taking over entire endeavors. When-Thens get into your head and attack your vision. At first you will hardly know you have been infected. Symptoms range from moderate feelings of a need for leisure to laziness and can eventually produce a deep sense of meaninglessness ineverything. In some cases, as in mine, the When-Thens convince their invaded victim to do meaningless tasks to distract her from the most important.

When-Thens derived their name from their most powerful tool. When a When-Then gets into the head of the host, it releases a sense of doubt and tells the unsuspecting victim to put something off until another significant event occurs or something gets done. When-Thens sound like this: “When you get the house clean, then you should sit down to write!”  

Please pray for me to recover fully. I have had a severe case. These When-Thens have gotten into my head and I have heard things like,

“When you get the cracks in the hardwood floor cleaned, then you can write.” 

“When all the kids’ college loans are paid off and the house is renovated, then you should do something fun!” 

“When fall comes, then you should plant an apple tree.” 

“When spring comes, then you should plant an apple tree.” 

(The last two When-Thens have been around for 18 years since we moved in. Unfortunately we have not had a harvest of apples.)

I finally went to my Maker to inquire about a cure. That in itself was reason enough for the When-Thens to launch a blitzkrieg. “When you get some rest, then you should schedule some time with God!” He wrote me a prescription and has told me I better come see Him every day.

Just in case you are dealing with When-Thens here is some of my prescription. But you better go see the Doctor soon!

Luke 12:16-21
And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ 

And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ 

But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’

So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”

Lord, teach me to seek you in this very moment. Keep me from chasing things and moments that have not come yet. Let me not waste the gifts of today on the worries of tomorrow. 

15 responses to “The When-Thens”

  1. krc Avatar

    agree with you

    great post n reminder

    awesome photos as always


  2. Wendy L. Macdonald Avatar

    Powerful reminder, dear Heidi. I hadn’t realized how much I’m doing this until I read your post. Thank you for sounding the alarm. 🙂
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


  3. Jeanne Takenaka Avatar

    Heidi, I’ve been attacked by the When-Thens too. Thanks for the reminder that I need to turn all things over to the Lord, and that I need to be seeking Him for things each day. I’m working to remember to seek Him for HIS plans for my day…even if my “when this, then this” is switched up. 🙂


  4. francesrogers Avatar

    Dear Heidi, again you make public what so many of us experience privately. Thank you for a fitting prayer for us all. Blessings as you see your doctor more often. He’s mine, too.


  5. Bill Sweeney Avatar

    Amen, Heidi! I battle these little When-Thens, too.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thanks for always pointing us to the cure, namely God’s Word and the Holy Spirit!


  6. Debbie Avatar

    I have been doing this . . .and not even realizing it! Yikes! :). Thank you for helping us live in the here and now, with Him! Blessings and love !


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      I am so grateful He is the Here and Now … The I Am. Blessings as you continue to look to Him and His Word and share that with us at your place!


  7. Lynn J Simpson Avatar

    Just before reading your post on another post I wrote that ‘there is no there there’, a saying I heard recently. And now your’s about the ‘when-then’s’. Yes, I think God’s telling me something! Procrastination that shows up as busy with other things like house cleaning, seems to be my theme these last couple of weeks (and months in my life)! Thanks for this!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thanks for reading and sharing, Lynn! As a mom of six I have chased the “there” for many years and wholeheartedly agree with your statement. It doesn’t exist! I am grateful that the Lord is patient with us. He is all we need, in the here and now! After all He is the “I AM” 🙂
      (BTW Love your blog! Keep going!!!)


  8. Nancy Ruegg Avatar

    Well done, Dr. Viars–you’ve isolated the virus and implemented the cure! Thank you for publishing your research because this virus IS running rampant. (A clever post, Heidi! Your closing prayer is mine as well.)


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Dear Nancy, thank you for reading. I suppose exposure enhances the immune system 🙂 Keep fighting the good fight, sister!


  9. RobbyeFaye Avatar

    Great post, thank you! I suffer quite frequently from the When-Thens, I will remember this post when they get into my thoughts!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thanks for stopping in. Blessings to you as you let the prescription of His Word work in you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. RobbyeFaye Avatar

        Thank you, Heidi!


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