Of Stones and Memories

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Today, I gathered stones from the middle of the stream.

Just like with my memories,

I choose the ones I keep.

Just like with these stones,

The harsh edges of my memories soften

With life’s constant changes.

Changes wash over me

Like the flowing creek,

Which hones the path of my mind.

I can choose what to keep –

What to let wash away.

Today, I gathered stones.

Today, I choose to remember love.

My time with my family is drawing to an end. We went to the creek nearby and walked through the cool water. I took these pictures as I collected several small, flat, rounded stones to take a long
– in memory of my time with my family.

Like every family we have issues. I suppose, we all could dwell on those. But soon I won’t see my loved ones for a long time. Yes, annoying habits and idiosyncrasies will no longer be an issue, but along with those disappear the hugs and endless kindnesses.

Love is a choice and I believe memories are too. Maybe, choosing certain memories over others is the loving thing to do. Maybe love is less about a feeling but more about choosing what I remember.
Maybe that is what forgiveness is,

choosing to remember love.

(Heidi Viars, 2013)


“Above all, love each other deeply,
love covers over a multitude of sins.”
1 Peter 4:8

38 responses to “Of Stones and Memories”

  1. in567 Avatar

    Love is a choice, I agree. I had never thought of it like that. So simple and true.


  2. melodylowes Avatar

    Beautifully said, Heidi. So much of our difficult rites of passage include just this, the choosing of stones, the laying down of those we throw in order to pick up the ones we ought to keep. May you be blessed as you learn to choose well…


  3.  Avatar

    “Maybe that is what forgiveness is, choosing to remember love.” What a wonderful description. Thank you for this reminder.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you Anonymous! Thanks for stopping by … God bless you!


  4. Stephen Nielsen Avatar

    Thanks for sharing part of your life. I will pray your you and your family that love will take root and grow. That in all your memories prayers of love will come out of it.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you so much, Stephen, for this kind comment and your words of encouragement. Thank you also for your prayers… blessings to you today


  5. findingmyinnercourage Avatar

    Beautiful Heidi!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      We have a beautiful God, don’t we~ Blessings to you!


      1. findingmyinnercourage Avatar

        We indeed have a beautiful God.


  6. Alice Lindner Avatar
    Alice Lindner

    Hallo Heidi,
    wenn Du das liest, bist Du sicher gut zu Hause angekommen. Die Zeit mit Euch allen war so wunderschön. Das Haus ist so leer ohne Euch!!! Wir vermissen Euch jetzt schon.
    Grüße die Jungs und Scotty.
    Wir haben Euch so lieb!!!!!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Hallo Mama,
      Die Koffer sind wieder ausgepackt. Wir vermissen Euch alle ganz doll … Scotty ist froh, dass sein Haus jetzt nicht mehr so lehr ist 🙂 … aber irgendwann leben wir da, wo wir hingehoeren… und dann … muss auch keiner mehr abreisen!!!!
      Ganz viele Kuesse und Gruesse an alle … und vor allem an die Kleinste!!!
      Wir haben Euch lieb!


  7. cshowers Avatar


    This was beautiful, and it hit home. “Maybe that is what forgiveness is,

    choosing to remember love.” Thank you Heidi, for sharing this. It truly spoke to my heart. Perhaps, instead of remembering all of the hurts, I must remember the love. I’m going to bed now, because I want that to be my last thought tonight. (Actually it’s 3:30 am, and I haven’t been able to sleep) God bless you, my friend!



    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      What a beautiful comment (though I don’t like that you can’t sleep :-() … God is so good and He chose to forget our sins. Imitating the character of God is not always easy, but well worth trying 🙂 Much love to you, dear sister … You are such an encourager to those who read your blog and a blessing to me today!


  8. Heidi Viars Avatar

    Thank you, Rene for those kind words. How gracious of God to help us capture these images. I pray they help us remember precious moments and mostly how marvelous and creative our God is. Blessings to you today


  9. Rene Yoshi Avatar

    What a beautiful analogy. I love the depth of field on the first and last image.


  10. Nancy Ruegg Avatar

    As I get older, the lenses of my rose-colored glasses get thicker! Hurts and challenges of the past don’t stand out in harsh relief anymore. And the sweet, pleasant memories are awash in a glorious glow. Some might consider such an attitude to be unrealistic and fanciful. But your post gives the perfect explanation for wearing those thick glasses: “Choosing certain memories over others is the loving thing to do.” Thank you, Heidi, for your insight and uplift!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      I so agree with you. Yes, thick glasses are good. I too like it when those close to me wear them to view me 🙂 Thanks so much for reading, empathizing, and commenting! Thanks for being an uplift to me 🙂


  11. mwitasblog Avatar

    Lovely poem, Heidi. You say you won’t be seeing your family for a long time… where are you going?


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      I live in the United States. My parents and family in Germany. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see each other too often. Thanks for reading!


      1. mwitasblog Avatar

        May the Lord bless you too.


  12. Tom Raines Avatar

    Love this! The pictures and the thought process of what we choose to keep. Blessings and keepsakes!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, Tom… yes, blessings and keepsakes to you as well.


  13. heavenlyraindrops Avatar

    So true, Heidi. I love how you compared our choices to remember the good and loving things with collecting the stones. Perhaps the stones will be reminders to pray for your loved ones, too. Very helpful words, my friend.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, Sue for those wonderful words of encouragement. It’s a great idea to use the stones as a reminder to pray 🙂


      1. heavenlyraindrops Avatar



        1. Heidi Viars Avatar

          all is packed … stones too 🙂 many goodbyes have been said, and some are left for the morning … in bed already (it’s 10:30 p.m. in Germany) … could use some prayers, Sue


          1. heavenlyraindrops Avatar

            Yes. I will pray for rest and safe travels.


  14. greenlightlady Avatar

    Heidi, I think this is my favorite post of yours. It will help others to be a blessing and be blessed if we imitate your words and attitude that has shone through in this poem; lovely in every sense of the word. 🙂


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Wendy, this is the most difficult post I have written. It’s difficult to let go -not only of people but more so of the right to hold things against them. I believe only God can help us with this. He can make this happen through His Spirit. I also believe this is one of those things in His will. And if we ask, according to His will, He hears.
      You are such an encourager … glad to see you post again, dear blogging friend 🙂


      1. greenlightlady Avatar

        Your words about letting go have stayed with me, as I need them for an upcoming visit. Yes, “forgiveness is giving up our right to get even..” It is not optional for the forgiven not to forgive. I love your analogy about the stones… it is about choice. Well done, Heidi!


  15. Lyn Avatar

    Beautiful poem, and beautiful attitude, Heidi! Lord bless you!


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      God bless you, dearest Lyn.


  16. ddclaywriter Avatar

    Beautiful thoughts Heidi.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, Doug. Let’s ask Him to help us remember those good things 🙂


  17. Skye Avatar

    Beautiful, Heidi! You always bless with your words and pictures. Big hugs…..Skye.


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you for you words of encouragement, Skye. His creation speaks loudly all around us … of Him Who is love. Be blessed with His love today.


  18. cottageonstrawberry Avatar

    Another beautiful poem Heidi … May the water of the Word wash away hurts … anything that has caused us pain, trapped within our memories and may love, Love prevail. ‘Choosing to remember love’ sounds like a poem title for you Heidi xx


    1. Heidi Viars Avatar

      Thank you, Liana. Let’s pray for the Lord to help us to remember the things we should. Blessings and love to you.


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